Bayes++ Bayesian Filtering Classes  Release 2014.5 - Copyright (c) 2003,2004,2005,2006,2011,2012,2014 Michael Stevens
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef _BAYES_FILTER
2 #define _BAYES_FILTER
4 /*
5  * Bayes++ the Bayesian Filtering Library
6  * Copyright (c) 2002 Michael Stevens
7  * See accompanying Bayes++.htm for terms and conditions of use.
8  *
9  * $Id: bayesFlt.hpp 634 2010-08-15 16:39:44Z mistevens $
10  */
12 /*
13  * Bayesian filtering represented as Dual hierarchy of:
14  * Prediction and Observation models
15  * Filtering Schemes
16  */
18 // Common headers required for declarations
19 #include "bayesException.hpp" // exception types
20 #include "matSupSub.hpp" // matrix support subsystem
22 /* Filter namespace */
23 namespace Bayesian_filter
24 {
25  // Allow use of a short name for matrix namespace
26  namespace FM = Bayesian_filter_matrix;
29 /*
30  * Abstraction support classes, at the base of the hierarchy
31  */
33 class Bayes_base {
34 /*
35  * A very abstract Polymorphic base representation!
36  * Interface provides: type, internal error handing, and destruction
37  */
38 public:
40  // Type used throughout as a number representation for state etc
42  virtual ~Bayes_base() = 0;
43  // Polymorphic
45  static void error (const Numeric_exception& a);
46  static void error (const Logic_exception& a);
47  // Report a filter, throw a Filter_exception
48  // No exception safety rules are specified, assume the object is invalid
49  // May have side effects for debugging
50 };
54 /*
55  * Numerical comparison of reciprocal condition numbers
56  * Required for all linear algebra in models and filters
57  * Implements minimum allowable reciprocal condition number for PD Matrix factorisations
58  */
59 {
60 public:
62  { limit_PD = limit_PD_init;
63  }
65  { limit_PD = nl;
66  }
67  inline void check_PSD (Bayes_base::Float rcond, const char* error_description) const
68  /* Checks a the reciprocal condition number
69  * Generates a Bayes_filter_exception if value represents a NON PSD matrix
70  * Inverting condition provides a test for IEC 559 NaN values
71  */
72  { if (!(rcond >= 0))
73  Bayes_base::error (Numeric_exception (error_description));
74  }
76  inline void check_PD (Bayes_base::Float rcond, const char* error_description) const
77  /* Checks a reciprocal condition number
78  * Generates a Bayes_filter_exception if value represents a NON PD matrix
79  * I.e. rcond is bellow given conditioning limit
80  * Inverting condition provides a test for IEC 559 NaN values
81  */
82  { if (!(rcond >= limit_PD))
83  Bayes_base::error (Numeric_exception (error_description));
84  }
85 private:
86  Bayes_base::Float limit_PD;
87  const static Bayes_base::Float limit_PD_init; // Initial common value for limit_PD
88 };
91 /*
92  * Abstract Prediction models
93  * Predict models are used to parameterise predict functions of filters
94  */
96 {
97  // Empty
98 };
102 /* Sampled stochastic predict model
103  x*(k) = fw(x(k-1), w(k))
104  fw should generate samples from the stochastic variable w(k)
105  This fundamental model is used instead of the predict likelihood function L(x*|x)
106  Since drawing samples from an arbitrary L is non-trivial (see MCMC theory)
107  the burden is place on the model to generate these samples.
108  Defines an Interface without data members
109  */
110 {
111 public:
112  virtual const FM::Vec& fw(const FM::Vec& x) const = 0;
113  // Note: Reference return value as a speed optimisation, MUST be copied by caller.
114 };
117 /* Functional (non-stochastic) predict model f
118  x*(k) = fx(x(k-1))
119  This fundamental model is used instead of the predict likelihood function L(x*|x)
120  Since L is a delta function which isn't much use for numerical systems.
121  Defines an Interface without data members
122  */
123 {
124 public:
125  virtual const FM::Vec& fx(const FM::Vec& x) const = 0;
126  // Functional model
127  // Note: Reference return value as a speed optimisation, MUST be copied by caller.
129  const FM::Vec& operator()(const FM::Vec& x) const
130  { // Operator form of functional model
131  return fx(x);
132  }
133 };
136 /* Gaussian noise predict model
137  This fundamental noise model for linear/linearised filtering
138  x(k|k-1) = x(k-1|k-1)) + G(k)w(k)
139  G(k)w(k)
140  q(k) = state noise covariance, q(k) is covariance of w(k)
141  G(k) = state noise coupling
142 */
143 {
144 public:
145  Gaussian_predict_model (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t q_size);
147  FM::Vec q; // Noise variance (always dense, use coupling to represent sparseness)
148  FM::Matrix G; // Noise Coupling
151  // Reciprocal condition number limit of linear components when factorised or inverted
152 };
155 /* Additive Gaussian noise predict model
156  This fundamental model for non-linear filtering with additive noise
157  x(k|k-1) = f(x(k-1|k-1)) + G(k)w(k)
158  q(k) = state noise covariance, q(k) is covariance of w(k)
159  G(k) = state noise coupling
160  ISSUE Should be privately derived from Gaussian_predict_model but access control in GCC is broken
161 */
162 {
163 public:
164  Additive_predict_model (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t q_size);
166  virtual const FM::Vec& f(const FM::Vec& x) const = 0;
167  // Functional part of additive model
168  // Note: Reference return value as a speed optimisation, MUST be copied by caller.
170  FM::Vec q; // Noise variance (always dense, use coupling to represent sparseness)
171  FM::Matrix G; // Noise Coupling
174  // Reciprocal condition number limit of linear components when factorised or inverted
175 };
178 /* Linrz predict model
179  This fundamental model for linear/linearised filtering
180  x(k|k-1) = f(x(k-1|k-1)
181  Fx(x(k-1|k-1) = Jacobian of of functional part fx with respect to state x
182  */
183 {
184 public:
185  Linrz_predict_model (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t q_size);
186  FM::Matrix Fx; // Model
187 };
190 /* Linear predict model
191  Enforces linearity on f
192  x(k|k-1) = Fx(k-1|k-1) * x(k-1|k-1)
193  */
194 {
195 public:
196  Linear_predict_model (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t q_size);
197  const FM::Vec& f(const FM::Vec& x) const
198  { // Provide the linear implementation of functional f
199  xp.assign (FM::prod(Fx,x));
200  return xp;
201  }
202 private:
203  mutable FM::Vec xp;
204 };
207 /* Linear invertable predict model
208  Fx has an inverse
209  x(k-1|k-1) = inv.Fx(k-1|k-1) * x(k|k-1)
210  */
211 {
212 public:
213  Linear_invertable_predict_model (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t q_size);
214  struct inverse_model {
215  inverse_model (std::size_t x_size);
216  FM::ColMatrix Fx; // Model inverse (ColMatrix as usually transposed)
217  } inv;
218 };
222 /*
223  * Abstract Observation models
224  * Observe models are used to parameterise the observe functions of filters
225  */
227 {
228  // Empty
229 };
232 // Function object for predict of observations
233 {
234 public:
235  virtual const FM::Vec& h(const FM::Vec& x) const = 0;
236  // Note: Reference return value as a speed optimisation, MUST be copied by caller.
237 };
241 /* Likelihood observe model L(z |x)
242  * The most fundamental Bayesian definition of an observation
243  * Defines an Interface without data members
244  */
245 {
246 public:
247  Likelihood_observe_model(std::size_t z_size) : z(z_size)
248  {}
249  virtual Float L(const FM::Vec& x) const = 0;
250  // Likelihood L(z | x)
252  virtual void Lz (const FM::Vec& zz)
253  // Set the observation zz about which to evaluate the Likelihood function
254  {
255  z = zz;
256  }
257 protected:
258  FM::Vec z; // z set by Lz
259 };
262 /* Functional (non-stochastic) observe model h
263  * zp(k) = hx(x(k|k-1))
264  * This is a separate fundamental model and not derived from likelihood because:
265  * L is a delta function which isn't much use for numerical systems
266  * Defines an Interface without data members
267  */
268 {
269 public:
270  Functional_observe_model(std::size_t /*z_size*/)
271  {}
272  const FM::Vec& operator()(const FM::Vec& x) const
273  { return h(x);
274  }
276 };
279 /* Observation model parametised with a fixed z size
280  * Includes the functional part of a noise model
281  * Model is assume to have linear and non-linear components
282  * Linear components need to be checked for conditioning
283  * Non-linear components may be discontinuous and need normalisation
284  */
285 {
286 public:
287  Parametised_observe_model(std::size_t /*z_size*/)
288  {}
289  virtual const FM::Vec& h(const FM::Vec& x) const = 0;
290  // Functional part of additive model
291  virtual void normalise (FM::Vec& /*z_denorm*/, const FM::Vec& /*z_from*/) const
292  // Discontinuous h. Normalise one observation (z_denorm) from another
293  {} // Default normalisation, z_denorm unchanged
296  // Reciprocal condition number limit of linear components when factorised or inverted
297 };
300 /* Observation model, uncorrelated additive observation noise
301  Z(k) = I * Zv(k) observe noise variance vector Zv
302  */
303 {
304 public:
305  Uncorrelated_additive_observe_model (std::size_t z_size) :
306  Parametised_observe_model(z_size), Zv(z_size)
307  {}
308  FM::Vec Zv; // Noise Variance
309 };
312 /* Observation model, correlated additive observation noise
313  Z(k) = observe noise covariance
314  */
315 {
316 public:
317  Correlated_additive_observe_model (std::size_t z_size) :
318  Parametised_observe_model(z_size), Z(z_size,z_size)
319  {}
320  FM::SymMatrix Z; // Noise Covariance (not necessarily dense)
321 };
324 /* Linrz observation model Hx, h about state x (fixed size)
325  Hx(x(k|k-1) = Jacobian of h with respect to state x
326  Normalisation consistency Hx: Assume normalise will be from h(x(k|k-1)) so result is consistent with Hx
327  */
328 {
329 public:
330  FM::Matrix Hx; // Model
331 protected: // Jacobian model is not sufficient, it is used to build Linrz observe model's
332  Jacobian_observe_model (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t z_size) :
333  Hx(z_size, x_size)
334  {}
335 };
338 /* Linrz observation model Hx, h with respect to state x (fixed size)
339  correlated observation noise
340  zp(k) = h(x(k-1|k-1)
341  Hx(x(k|k-1) = Jacobian of f with respect to state x
342  Z(k) = observe noise covariance
343  */
344 {
345 public:
346  Linrz_correlated_observe_model (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t z_size) :
348  {}
349 };
352 /* Linrz observation model Hx, h with respect to state x (fixed size)
353  uncorrelated observation noise
354  zp(k) = h(x(k-1|k-1)
355  Hx(x(k|k-1) = Jacobian of f with respect to state x
356  Zv(k) = observe noise covariance
357  */
358 {
359 public:
360  Linrz_uncorrelated_observe_model (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t z_size) :
362  {}
363 };
366 /* Linear observation model, correlated observation noise
367  zp(k) = Hx(k) * x(k|k-1)
368  Enforces linear model invariant. Careful when deriving to to change this invariant!
369  */
370 {
371 public:
372  Linear_correlated_observe_model (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t z_size) :
373  Linrz_correlated_observe_model(x_size, z_size), hx(z_size)
374  {}
375  const FM::Vec& h(const FM::Vec& x) const
376  { // Provide a linear implementation of functional h assumes model is already Linrz for Hx
377  hx.assign (FM::prod(Hx,x));
378  return hx;
379  }
380 private:
381  mutable FM::Vec hx;
382 };
385 /* Linear observation model, uncorrelated observation noise
386  zp(k) = Hx(k) * x(k|k-1)
387  Enforces linear model invariant. Careful when deriving to to change this invariant!
388  */
389 {
390 public:
391  Linear_uncorrelated_observe_model (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t z_size) :
392  Linrz_uncorrelated_observe_model(x_size, z_size), hx(z_size)
393  {}
394  const FM::Vec& h(const FM::Vec& x) const
395  { // Provide a linear implementation of functional h assumes model is already Linrz for Hx
396  hx.assign (FM::prod(Hx,x));
397  return hx;
398  }
399 private:
400  mutable FM::Vec hx;
401 };
404 /*
405  * Bayesian Filter
406  *
407  * A Bayesian Filter uses Bayes rule to fuse the state probabilities
408  * of a prior and a likelihood function
409  */
411 {
412  // Empty
413 };
415 /*
416  * Likelihood Filter - Abstract filtering property
417  * Represents only the Bayesian Likelihood of a state observation
418  */
419 class Likelihood_filter : virtual public Bayes_filter_base
420 {
421 public:
422  /* Virtual functions for filter algorithm */
424  virtual void observe (Likelihood_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z) = 0;
425  /* Observation state posterior using likelihood model h at z
426  */
427 };
429 /*
430  * Functional Filter - Abstract filtering property
431  * Represents only filter predict by a simple functional
432  * (non-stochastic) model
433  *
434  * A similar functional observe is not generally useful. The inverse of h is needed for observe!
435  */
436 class Functional_filter : virtual public Bayes_filter_base
437 {
438 public:
439  /* Virtual functions for filter algorithm */
441  virtual void predict (Functional_predict_model& f) = 0;
442  /* Predict state with functional no noise model
443  Requires x(k|k), X(k|k) or internal equivalent
444  Predicts x(k+1|k), X(k+1|k), using predict model
445  */
446 };
448 /*
449  * State Filter - Abstract filtering property
450  * Represents only filter state and an update on that state
451  */
452 class State_filter : virtual public Bayes_filter_base
453 {
454 public:
455  State_filter (std::size_t x_size);
456  /* Set constant sizes, state must not be empty (must be >=1)
457  Exceptions:
458  bayes_filter_exception is x_size < 1
459  */
461  FM::Vec x; // expected state
463  /* Virtual functions for filter algorithm */
465  virtual void update () = 0;
466  /* Update filters state
467  Updates x(k|k)
468  */
469 };
472 /*
473  * Kalman State Filter - Abstract filtering property
474  * Linear filter representation for 1st (mean) and 2nd (covariance) moments of a distribution
475  *
476  * Probability distributions are represented by state vector (x) and a covariance matrix.(X)
477  *
478  * State (x) sizes is assumed to remain constant.
479  * The state and state covariance are public so they can be directly manipulated.
480  * init: Should be called if x or X are altered
481  * update: Guarantees that any internal changes made filter are reflected in x,X.
482  * This allows considerable flexibility so filter implementations can use different numerical representations
483  *
484  * Derived filters supply definitions for the abstract functions and determine the algorithm used
485  * to implement the filter.
486  */
489 {
490 public:
491  FM::SymMatrix X; // state covariance
493  Kalman_state_filter (std::size_t x_size);
494  /* Initialise filter and set constant sizes
495  */
497  /* Virtual functions for filter algorithm */
499  virtual void init () = 0;
500  /* Initialise from current state and state covariance
501  Requires x(k|k), X(k|k)
502  */
503  void init_kalman (const FM::Vec& x, const FM::SymMatrix& X);
504  /* Initialise from a state and state covariance
505  Parameters that reference the instance's x and X members are valid
506  */
507  virtual void update () = 0;
508  /* Update filters state and state covariance
509  Updates x(k|k), X(k|k)
510  */
512  // Minimum allowable reciprocal condition number for PD Matrix factorisations
514 };
517 /*
518  * Information State Filter - Abstract filtering property
519  * Linear filter information space representation for 1st (mean) and 2nd (covariance) moments of a distribution
520  * Y = inv(X) Information
521  * y = Y*x Information state
522  */
525 {
526 public:
527  Information_state_filter (std::size_t x_size);
528  FM::Vec y; // Information state
529  FM::SymMatrix Y; // Information
531  virtual void init_yY () = 0;
532  /* Initialise from a information state and information
533  Requires y(k|k), Y(k|k)
534  Parameters that reference the instance's y and Y members are valid
535  */
536  void init_information (const FM::Vec& y, const FM::SymMatrix& Y);
537  /* Initialise from a information state and information
538  Parameters that reference the instance's y and Y members are valid
539  */
541  virtual void update_yY () = 0;
542  /* Update filters information state and information
543  Updates y(k|k), Y(k|k)
544  */
545 };
548 /*
549  * Linearizable filter models - Abstract filtering property
550  * Linrz == A linear, or gradient Linearized filter
551  *
552  * Predict uses a Linrz_predict_model that maintains a Jacobian matrix Fx and additive noise
553  * NOTE: Functional (non-stochastic) predict is NOT possible as predict requires Fx.
554  *
555  * Observe uses a Linrz_observe_model and a variable size observation (z)
556  * There are two variants for correlated and uncorrelated observation noise
557  * Derived filters supply the init,predict,observe,update functions and determine
558  * the algorithm used to implement the filter.
559  */
561 class Linrz_filter : virtual public Bayes_filter_base
562 {
563 public:
564  /* Virtual functions for filter algorithm */
566  virtual Float predict (Linrz_predict_model& f) = 0;
567  /* Predict state using a Linrz model
568  Requires x(k|k), X(k|k) or internal equivilent
569  Returns: Reciprocal condition number of primary matrix used in predict computation (1. if none)
570  */
572  virtual Float observe (Linrz_uncorrelated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z) = 0;
573  virtual Float observe (Linrz_correlated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z) = 0;
574  /* Observation z(k) and with (Un)correlated observation noise model
575  Requires x(k|k), X(k|k) or internal equivalent
576  Returns: Reciprocal condition number of primary matrix used in observe computation (1. if none)
577  */
578 };
581 /*
582  * Linearizable Kalman Filter
583  * Kalman state representation and linearizable models
584  *
585  * Common abstraction for many linear filters
586  * Has a virtual base to represent the common state
587  */
589 {
590 protected:
591  Linrz_kalman_filter() : Kalman_state_filter(0) // define a default constructor
592  {}
593 };
596 /*
597  * Extended Kalman Filter
598  * Kalman state representation and linearizable models
599  *
600  * Observe is implemented using an innovation computed from the non-linear part of the
601  * observe model and linear part of the Linrz_observe_model
602  *
603  * Common abstraction for many linear filters
604  * Has a virtual base to represent the common state
605  */
607 {
608 protected:
609  Extended_kalman_filter() : Kalman_state_filter(0) // define a default constructor
610  {}
611 public:
612  virtual Float observe (Linrz_uncorrelated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z);
613  virtual Float observe (Linrz_correlated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z);
614  /* Observation z(k) and with (Un)correlated observation noise model
615  Requires x(k|k), X(k|k) or internal equivalent
616  Returns: Reciprocal condition number of primary matrix used in observe computation (1. if none)
617  Default implementation simple computes innovation for observe_innovation
618  */
620  virtual Float observe_innovation (Linrz_uncorrelated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& s) = 0;
621  virtual Float observe_innovation (Linrz_correlated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& s) = 0;
622  /* Observation innovation s(k) and with (Un)correlated observation noise model
623  Requires x(k|k), X(k|k) or internal equivalent
624  Returns: Reciprocal condition number of primary matrix used in observe computation (1. if none)
625  */
626 };
629 /*
630  * Sample State Filter - Abstract filtering property
631  *
632  * Probability distributions are represented by a finite sampling
633  *
634  * State (x_size) size and its sampling (s_size) are assumed to remain constant.
635  * The state sampling public so they can be directly manipulated.
636  * init: Should be used if they to be altered
637  * update: Guarantees that any internal changes made filter are reflected in sampling S.
638  */
641 {
642 public:
643  FM::ColMatrix S; // state sampling (x_size,s_size)
645  Sample_state_filter (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t s_size);
646  /* Initialise filter and set constant sizes for
647  x_size of the state vector
648  s_size sample size
649  Exceptions:
650  bayes_filter_exception is s_size < 1
651  */
652  ~Sample_state_filter() = 0;
654  /* Virtual functions for filter algorithm */
656  virtual void init_S () = 0;
657  /* Initialise from current sampling
658  */
660  void init_sample (const FM::ColMatrix& initS);
661  /* Initialise from a sampling
662  */
664  virtual Float update_resample () = 0;
665  /* Resampling update
666  Returns lcond, Smallest normalised likelihood weight, represents conditioning of resampling solution
667  lcond == 1. if no resampling performed
668  This should by multiplied by the number of samples to get the Likelihood function conditioning
669  */
671  std::size_t unique_samples () const;
672  /* Count number of unique (unequal value) samples in S
673  Implementation requires std::sort on sample column references
674  */
675 };
678 /*
679  * Sample Filter: Bayes filter using
680  *
681  * Probability distributions are represented by a finite sampling
682  *
683  * The filter is operated by performing a
684  * predict, observe
685  * cycle derived from the bayes_filter. observe Likelihoods are merged into a single combined weight.
686  * update: MUST be used to complete a explicit resampling of the particles using merged weights
687  *
688  * Derived filters supply definitions for the abstract functions and determine the algorithm used
689  * to implement the filter.
690  */
693 {
694 public:
695  Sample_filter (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t s_size);
696  /* Initialise filter and set constant sizes for
697  x_size of the state vector
698  s_size sample size
699  Exceptions:
700  bayes_filter_exception is s_size < 1
701  */
703  /* Virtual functions for filter algorithm */
705  virtual void predict (Functional_predict_model& f);
706  /* Predict state posterior with functional no noise model
707  */
709  virtual void predict (Sampled_predict_model& f) = 0;
710  /* Predict state posterior with sampled noise model
711  */
713  virtual void observe (Likelihood_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z) = 0;
714  /* Observation state posterior using likelihood model h at z
715  */
717  virtual void observe_likelihood (const FM::Vec& lw) = 0;
718  /* Observation fusion directly from likelihood weights
719  lw may be smaller then the state sampling. Weights for additional particles are assumed to be 1
720  */
721 };
724 }//namespace
725 #endif
const FM::Vec & operator()(const FM::Vec &x) const
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:272
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:95
static void error(const Numeric_exception &a)
Definition: bayesFlt.cpp:35
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:640
Linrz_correlated_observe_model(std::size_t x_size, std::size_t z_size)
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:346
virtual ~Bayes_base()=0
Definition: bayesFlt.cpp:30
FM::Matrix G
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:171
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:591
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:278
Numerical_rcond rclimit
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:150
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:287
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:261
Uncorrelated_additive_observe_model(std::size_t z_size)
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:305
virtual void Lz(const FM::Vec &zz)
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:252
FM::Vec Zv
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:308
Definition: bayesException.hpp:52
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:154
Numerical_rcond rclimit
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:173
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:588
double Float
Definition: matSupSub.hpp:59
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:61
FM::SymMatrix X
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:491
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:419
FM::SymMatrix Z
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:320
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:410
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:226
Definition: bayesException.hpp:20
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:135
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:488
Numerical_rcond rclimit
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:513
FM::ColMatrix S
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:643
FM::Vec q
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:147
Correlated_additive_observe_model(std::size_t z_size)
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:317
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:606
FMVec< detail::BaseVector > Vec
Definition: uBLASmatrix.hpp:323
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:33
Likelihood_observe_model(std::size_t z_size)
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:247
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:231
FM::SymMatrix Y
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:529
RowMatrix Matrix
Definition: uBLASmatrix.hpp:325
Jacobian_observe_model(std::size_t x_size, std::size_t z_size)
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:332
Linear_correlated_observe_model(std::size_t x_size, std::size_t z_size)
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:372
FM::Matrix Hx
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:330
Definition: bayesException.hpp:41
FM::Vec y
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:528
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:116
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:53
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:561
FM::Vec z
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:258
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:101
Numerical_rcond rclimit
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:295
const FM::Vec & f(const FM::Vec &x) const
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:197
Bayesian_filter_matrix::Float Float
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:39
FM::Vec x
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:461
FM::Matrix G
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:148
const FM::Vec & h(const FM::Vec &x) const
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:394
void check_PSD(Bayes_base::Float rcond, const char *error_description) const
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:67
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:270
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:609
FM::Vec q
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:170
FMMatrix< detail::SymMatrixWrapper< detail::BaseRowMatrix > > SymMatrix
Definition: uBLASmatrix.hpp:327
Definition: matSup.cpp:33
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:452
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:524
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:240
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:436
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:177
const FM::Vec & operator()(const FM::Vec &x) const
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:129
FMMatrix< detail::BaseColMatrix > ColMatrix
Definition: uBLASmatrix.hpp:326
const FM::Vec & h(const FM::Vec &x) const
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:375
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:189
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:692
FM::Matrix Fx
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:186
void check_PD(Bayes_base::Float rcond, const char *error_description) const
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:76
virtual void normalise(FM::Vec &, const FM::Vec &) const
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:291
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:323
Linrz_uncorrelated_observe_model(std::size_t x_size, std::size_t z_size)
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:360
Linear_uncorrelated_observe_model(std::size_t x_size, std::size_t z_size)
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:391
void set_limit_PD(Bayes_base::Float nl)
Definition: bayesFlt.hpp:64